Monday, 4 July 2011

Sefton Park, Liverpool: Easter Chalking...

For different reasons, my friend and I ended up in Liverpool (and not at home) on Easter Sunday this year. In a bid not to spend the whole day sulking about it, we met up at Lark Lane, Liverpool, bought some icecream and then drew all over a nearby park in chalk...

 Writing about what we could see...

Writing about what we wanted to see...

Guessing who might win...

Or lose...

Creating a 'Duck Crossing' 

Sam woz ere

Trees are green

                                              Obeying chalk orders

                                               Playing with rocks.

                                                 Stating the obvious.

               Wondering what the concrete wall has been put there for...

Playing in the sun/saving the Easter egg reunions for a cooler day (when the chocolate is colder and, naturally, tastes better).

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