Thursday, 20 December 2012

Scouring the internet: Christmas chalking homework

It's really cold outside and it's really cold inside. The rain hasn't stopped since I woke up and I can't bear putting warmer clothes on because it would mean taking off a layer before getting to the good stuff.

So, here goes. Homework.

Of course, this isn't really homework, it's just me having a nose to see what other people are chalking/have chalked out there, so that by the time this gross weather stops and my camera lead reappears (hopefully somewhere really obvious like in my hand), I'll have lots of ideas for chalking experiments in 2013.

(It also means I can play about with chalk-related pictures from the comfort of my alien duvet covers. No raindrops in sight.)

Homework -20th December, 2012

Other People Chalking

Helen Levitt took this photo as part of a series of pictures aiming to document the lives of children on the streets in 1940s America.

I just like this. It reminds me of a book I've just asked my mum to get me called 'How to be an Explorer of the World'.

This doesn't look much like chalk to me, but I like the broken bicycle in the corner. I like to think someone tried to cycle across the tyres leaning against the wall, but that it went a little wrong about 90% of the way across...

This is what the BBC published this morning (21/12/12) in an article about how the people who believed the world will end today, are going to cope now that the world's still going.

I bet they're well chuffed.

I know how this looks, but it's not true...

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